In order for Aircraft to be able to use Bombs or Rockets they will
need an appropriate GunStation and Gun setting for each type. The
examples used here should be used to replace any CFS1 Rocket and
bomb GunPositions & Guns in order that the damage specified for the
weapon in its own dp will be used. Note that the Gunstation and Gun
numbers used here should be altered to suit the numbers in the
particular Aircraft`s DP file. Just start with the next number after
the real MGs and Cannons

The Rocket Gunposition is :-


and the Bomb Gunposion is :-


Also to be added are the Gun details for each position. The first
number after the = is a "Maximum Allowed" figure. I have used 150
for the Rocket so that the Multi Rocket weapons can be used without
being limited to the more usual 6!

